The three flights of the RG $575 Main Event at the Grand Casino had 313 entries, creating a prize pool of $156,500.  Sunday at noon, 63 players will return to compete for one of the 36 payout spots.  Top prize will be $35,985 and the Championship Ring, while a min cash will receive $1174.  A complete list of chip counts and seat assignments is listed below.

By Chip Count:

Jaymie Jordan 343,800 6 6
Mason Hinkle 342,200 12 6
Tony Lay 246,900 4 6
Shawn Gordon 218,800 5 2
Jon Bennett 217,900 4 2
Shelly Wise 202,600 11 1
Randy Postlewait 166,400 11 7
Kami Hudson 162,100 11 4
Greg Jennings 153,800 3 7
Carl Varner 145,200 12 5
David Hart 128,000 12 3
Ben Thomas 118,200 5 1
Jon Hopkins 115,100 6 1
Freddie Rodriguez 114,800 11 2
Michial Latham 113,500 4 9
Lawrence Magee 110,400 3 9
Robert Robison 104,000 11 6
Raymond Nelson 103,500 2 2
Frank Bengs 101,900 11 5
Grant  Hinkle 101,400 12 2
Todd Nichols 99,800 12 1
Randy Huston 98,300 12 9
David Queen 94,100 4 8
Will Berry 92,400 11 9
Bobby Holmes 88,800 2 7
Levi Kloiber 87,700 4 7
Stanley Curry 86,600 5 8
Ray Henson 86,500 5 7
Travis Speck 86,500 2 9
Lon Spencer 83,900 12 7
Jared Ward 83,800 5 3
Blair Hinkle 83,500 6 7
Drew Sterkel 82,000 12 4
Steve Williams 80,500 6 5
Kendall Dexter 80,200 3 4
Jeremy Tinsley 78,000 6 3
Joe Berry 76,400 6 9
Leo Sell 76,200 2 1
Lou Barlow 73,800 5 4
James Price 72,500 4 5
Jimmie Taylor 71,700 4 1
Kris Burchfield 70,900 5 9
Ken Crawford 69,400 6 4
Justin Gardenhire 68,500 4 3
Milo Wilson 67,500 12 8
Robert Michael 66,900 3 1
Jimmy Voegele 64,600 4 4
Cory Smith 64,200 3 3
Paul Strohm 64,000 2 4
Ichiro Takahata 63,600 3 8
Kevin McPhee 57,100 3 2
David Gulikers 55,900 6 2
Justin Walters 55,600 5 6
Cody Pettit 53,400 5 5
Santhosh Ekambaram 52,800 6 8
Grant Hart 52,600 11 3
Buzzy Hyman 46,700 11 8
Quentin Crossley 45,600 2 6
Joe Johnson 39,100 2 5
Dennis Glenn 33,200 2 3
Bill Donnelly 32,900 3 5
James Hankins 26,700 2 8
Clarence  Eldridge 20,100 3 6


By Last Name:

Lou Barlow 73,800 5 4
Frank Bengs 101,900 11 5
Jon Bennett 217,900 4 2
Will Berry 92,400 11 9
Joe Berry 76,400 6 9
Kris Burchfield 70,900 5 9
Ken Crawford 69,400 6 4
Quentin Crossley 45,600 2 6
Stanley Curry 86,600 5 8
Kendall Dexter 80,200 3 4
Bill Donnelly 32,900 3 5
Santhosh Ekambaram 52,800 6 8
Clarence  Eldridge 20,100 3 6
Justin Gardenhire 68,500 4 3
Dennis Glenn 33,200 2 3
Shawn Gordon 218,800 5 2
David Gulikers 55,900 6 2
James Hankins 26,700 2 8
David Hart 128,000 12 3
Grant Hart 52,600 11 3
Ray Henson 86,500 5 7
Mason Hinkle 342,200 12 6
Grant  Hinkle 101,400 12 2
Blair Hinkle 83,500 6 7
Bobby Holmes 88,800 2 7
Jon Hopkins 115,100 6 1
Kami Hudson 162,100 11 4
Randy Huston 98,300 12 9
Buzzy Hyman 46,700 11 8
Greg Jennings 153,800 3 7
Joe Johnson 39,100 2 5
Jaymie Jordan 343,800 6 6
Levi Kloiber 87,700 4 7
Michial Latham 113,500 4 9
Tony Lay 246,900 4 6
Lawrence Magee 110,400 3 9
Kevin McPhee 57,100 3 2
Robert Michael 66,900 3 1
Raymond Nelson 103,500 2 2
Todd Nichols 99,800 12 1
Cody Pettit 53,400 5 5
Randy Postlewait 166,400 11 7
James Price 72,500 4 5
David Queen 94,100 4 8
Robert Robison 104,000 11 6
Freddie Rodriguez 114,800 11 2
Leo Sell 76,200 2 1
Cory Smith 64,200 3 3
Travis Speck 86,500 2 9
Lon Spencer 83,900 12 7
Drew Sterkel 82,000 12 4
Paul Strohm 64,000 2 4
Ichiro Takahata 63,600 3 8
Jimmie Taylor 71,700 4 1
Ben Thomas 118,200 5 1
Jeremy Tinsley 78,000 6 3
Carl Varner 145,200 12 5
Jimmy Voegele 64,600 4 4
Justin Walters 55,600 5 6
Jared Ward 83,800 5 3
Steve Williams 80,500 6 5
Milo Wilson 67,500 12 8
Shelly Wise 202,600 11 1


By Table and Seat:

Leo Sell 76,200 2 1
Raymond Nelson 103,500 2 2
Dennis Glenn 33,200 2 3
Paul Strohm 64,000 2 4
Joe Johnson 39,100 2 5
Quentin Crossley 45,600 2 6
Bobby Holmes 88,800 2 7
James Hankins 26,700 2 8
Travis Speck 86,500 2 9
Robert Michael 66,900 3 1
Kevin McPhee 57,100 3 2
Cory Smith 64,200 3 3
Kendall Dexter 80,200 3 4
Bill Donnelly 32,900 3 5
Clarence  Eldridge 20,100 3 6
Greg Jennings 153,800 3 7
Ichiro Takahata 63,600 3 8
Lawrence Magee 110,400 3 9
Jimmie Taylor 71,700 4 1
Jon Bennett 217,900 4 2
Justin Gardenhire 68,500 4 3
Jimmy Voegele 64,600 4 4
James Price 72,500 4 5
Tony Lay 246,900 4 6
Levi Kloiber 87,700 4 7
David Queen 94,100 4 8
Michial Latham 113,500 4 9
Ben Thomas 118,200 5 1
Shawn Gordon 218,800 5 2
Jared Ward 83,800 5 3
Lou Barlow 73,800 5 4
Cody Pettit 53,400 5 5
Justin Walters 55,600 5 6
Ray Henson 86,500 5 7
Stanley Curry 86,600 5 8
Kris Burchfield 70,900 5 9
Jon Hopkins 115,100 6 1
David Gulikers 55,900 6 2
Jeremy Tinsley 78,000 6 3
Ken Crawford 69,400 6 4
Steve Williams 80,500 6 5
Jaymie Jordan 343,800 6 6
Blair Hinkle 83,500 6 7
Santhosh Ekambaram 52,800 6 8
Joe Berry 76,400 6 9
Shelly Wise 202,600 11 1
Freddie Rodriguez 114,800 11 2
Grant Hart 52,600 11 3
Kami Hudson 162,100 11 4
Frank Bengs 101,900 11 5
Robert Robison 104,000 11 6
Randy Postlewait 166,400 11 7
Buzzy Hyman 46,700 11 8
Will Berry 92,400 11 9
Todd Nichols 99,800 12 1
Grant  Hinkle 101,400 12 2
David Hart 128,000 12 3
Drew Sterkel 82,000 12 4
Carl Varner 145,200 12 5
Mason Hinkle 342,200 12 6
Lon Spencer 83,900 12 7
Milo Wilson 67,500 12 8
Randy Huston 98,300 12 9