Level 23 (15,000/30,000/5,000)
Total Entrants: 293
Players Remaining: 3
Chip Average: 1,955,000

Following a few double-ups during four-handed play, Rodney Spriggs (pictured) falls in fourth place, short of the tournament podium. 

Dan Lowery opened to 55,000 under the gun and Spriggs called from the big blind. Spriggs checked the 9♠86 flop and Lowery bet 100,000. Spriggs called and checked the 3♠ turn. Lowery put in 200,000 more and Spriggs shoved for 450,000 total. Lowery called with A9♣ and Spriggs had three outs Q♠9.

The K♠ river missed Lowery and Spriggs exits with a five-figure score for his weekend's work.

Dan Lowery - 1,950,000 (63 bb)
Roger Bennett - 815,000 (27 bb)
Michael Beaty - 3,125,000 (101 bb)
Downstream casinoMain eventRungood poker series