Level 10 (800/1,600/200)
Day 1C Entrants: 110
Total Entrants: 345
Day 1C Players Remaining: 39
Jim Traber is more commonly recognized for his #hottakes heard across Oklahoma as the voice of WWLS. Traber's "controversial opinions" dominate the timeslot and that attitude carries over to his poker game.
Cory Smith is off of his earlier pace and Traber is pushing forward for his claim to the Day 1C chip lead. Traber approaches 200,000 with less than an hour of poker left to be played tonight.
We see Traber take some weekends off from the sports scene every few months and travel for various RunGood events. If you think you've heard Traber rant about Russell Westbrook, you can imagine his bad beat stories. Thankfully, none have hit Traber yet as he continues to build on Day 1C.