Level 22 (12,000/24,000/4,000)
Total RG Main Event Entries: 381
Players Remaining: 8
Chip Average: 952,000

Matt Newcombe is the first casualty of the new level as his first RunGood Main Event final table ends in ninth place finish. 

Matt Newcombe was unable to get much of anything positive going at the final table and had his stack shrink as a result. Newcombe dropped to under 15 big blinds and was despite his best efforts, could not get the double he needed. 

Jonathan Nguyen opened for 55,000 from the button and Newcombe moved all-in for 366,000 from one seat over. The shove represented about 35 percent of Nguyen's stack and after some thought, he called with A♠5♠ to put Newcombe's Q8 at risk.

The A♣Q♠J♠ flop took a few outs away from Newcombe but the K put three immediate chop outs in play. The river was the 7♣ and Newcombe missed and hit the rail. Nguyen is a few steps off the pace of Greg Jennings and Kristen Deardorff with 920,000.