Level 20 (10,000/20,000/20,000)
Total Entrants: 536
Players Remaining: 22
Average Stack: 466,000
Dan Lowery gained some of his lost chips back against Chris Hight to mend his stack.
Lowery called the 100,000 shove from Hight with A♠Q♥ blind versus blind to dominate Hight's Q♠4♦. The better hand held and Lowery is back up to 420,000.Shuptrine (pictured) doubled with 10♣10♦ against Kyle Cartwright's 7♦7♥ on a K♣J♣2♦A♠4♣ board for 600,000 total to put himself over chip average for the first time today. Cartwright is down to 385,000.