The three flights of the Main Event created a prizepool of $191,500 with 383 total entries.  Of these, 70 players advance to day 2 and return at noon to will battle for the top prize of $44,043, the All-Stars Champion Ring, and a seat to the PokerGO Pro-Am.  Don't miss the 2:00pm $165 Closer event, as the Casino Champion Title is wide open! A complete list of chip counts and seat assignments is listed below.

By Table and Seat Number:

Scott Taylor 172,500 25 1
Celaya Raylene 35,500 25 2
McEwen Preston 179,500 25 3
Griffith Teresa 93,500 25 4
Wu Tricia 45,000 25 5
Ward Jared 368,000 25 6
Teel Phillip 233,000 25 7
Murfin Randy 160,500 25 8
Lantrip Wesley 212,500 25 9
McCracken William 153,000 26 1
Zallar Brandon 30,500 26 2
Hart Grant 60,000 26 3
Carpenter Cash 85,500 26 4
Craddock Brian 64,500 26 5
Escareno Michael 91,500 26 6
Houston Thomas 44,500 26 7
Anderson Eric 207,000 26 8
Garg Shantanu 95,000 26 9
Gilliam Chris 48,000 27 1
Riffel Matt 81,000 27 2
Lech Michael 117,500 27 3
Belk Stephen 27,000 27 5
Strohm Paul 64,500 27 6
Morgan Jay 69,000 27 7
Todd Adam 87,000 27 8
Wilshire Beau 83,000 27 9
Gatlin Joseph 42,000 28 1
Baggett Kenny 39,500 28 2
Lafata Mark 130,000 28 3
Helton Mike 20,500 28 4
Crossley Quentin 111,500 28 5
Pfafer D Brett 109,500 28 6
Robinson Rex 113,500 28 7
Aurentz Cory 75,000 28 8
Main Sandra 18,900 28 9
Nelson Ian 57,500 29 1
Black Tim 95,500 29 2
Dorothy Patrick 91,500 29 3
Hinkle Grant 255,500 29 4
Karn Papa 45,500 29 5
Messner Dustin 121,500 29 6
Holmes Bob 102,000 29 7
Hayes Lawrence 42,500 29 8
Lai Duy 66,500 29 9
Hernandez Jesus 25,500 30 1
Kade Vanessa 113,000 30 2
Reilly Austin 165,000 30 3
Torres Cesar 221,000 30 4
Arnone Devin 355,500 30 5
Bills Montana 58,500 30 6
Lopez John 80,500 30 7
Contreras Derrick 213,500 30 8
Radovic Rajko 168,500 31 1
Sandoval Josh 103,000 31 2
Flagg Paul 46,500 31 3
Martin John 192,500 31 4
Johnson Matt 201,500 31 5
Hinkle Mason 167,000 31 6
Barnett Hunter 100,000 31 7
Dixon Patrick 98,500 31 8
Mora Savannah 51,500 31 9
Blackwell Matthew 38,500 32 1
Seale Jacob 265,000 32 2
Gardner Terry 114,500 32 3
Wiske Jason 42,500 32 4
Haiss Kurt 40,500 32 5
Ziemann Tristan 106,500 32 6
Brouster Christopher 108,500 32 7
Traber James 80,000 32 8
McClellan Danny 85,500 32 9


By Last Name:

Anderson Eric 207,000 26 8
Arnone Devin 355,500 30 5
Aurentz Cory 75,000 28 8
Baggett Kenny 39,500 28 2
Barnett Hunter 100,000 31 7
Belk Stephen 27,000 27 5
Bills Montana 58,500 30 6
Black Tim 95,500 29 2
Blackwell Matthew 38,500 32 1
Brouster Christopher 108,500 32 7
Carpenter Cash 85,500 26 4
Celaya Raylene 35,500 25 2
Contreras Derrick 213,500 30 8
Craddock Brian 64,500 26 5
Crossley Quentin 111,500 28 5
Dixon Patrick 98,500 31 8
Dorothy Patrick 91,500 29 3
Escareno Michael 91,500 26 6
Flagg Paul 46,500 31 3
Gardner Terry 114,500 32 3
Garg Shantanu 95,000 26 9
Gatlin Joseph 42,000 28 1
Gilliam Chris 48,000 27 1
Griffith Teresa 93,500 25 4
Haiss Kurt 40,500 32 5
Hart Grant 60,000 26 3
Hayes Lawrence 42,500 29 8
Helton Mike 20,500 28 4
Hernandez Jesus 25,500 30 1
Hinkle Grant 255,500 29 4
Hinkle Mason 167,000 31 6
Holmes Bob 102,000 29 7
Houston Thomas 44,500 26 7
Johnson Matt 201,500 31 5
Kade Vanessa 113,000 30 2
Karn Papa 45,500 29 5
Lafata Mark 130,000 28 3
Lai Duy 66,500 29 9
Lantrip Wesley 212,500 25 9
Lech Michael 117,500 27 3
Lopez John 80,500 30 7
Main Sandra 18,900 28 9
Martin John 192,500 31 4
McClellan Danny 85,500 32 9
McCracken William 153,000 26 1
McEwen Preston 179,500 25 3
Messner Dustin 121,500 29 6
Mora Savannah 51,500 31 9
Morgan Jay 69,000 27 7
Murfin Randy 160,500 25 8
Nelson Ian 57,500 29 1
Pfafer D Brett 109,500 28 6
Radovic Rajko 168,500 31 1
Reilly Austin 165,000 30 3
Riffel Matt 81,000 27 2
Robinson Rex 113,500 28 7
Sandoval Josh 103,000 31 2
Scott Taylor 172,500 25 1
Seale Jacob 265,000 32 2
Strohm Paul 64,500 27 6
Teel Phillip 233,000 25 7
Todd Adam 87,000 27 8
Torres Cesar 221,000 30 4
Traber James 80,000 32 8
Ward Jared 368,000 25 6
Wilshire Beau 83,000 27 9
Wiske Jason 42,500 32 4
Wu Tricia 45,000 25 5
Zallar Brandon 30,500 26 2
Ziemann Tristan 106,500 32 6

By Chip Count:

Ward Jared 368,000 25 6
Arnone Devin 355,500 30 5
Seale Jacob 265,000 32 2
Hinkle Grant 255,500 29 4
Teel Phillip 233,000 25 7
Torres Cesar 221,000 30 4
Contreras Derrick 213,500 30 8
Lantrip Wesley 212,500 25 9
Anderson Eric 207,000 26 8
Johnson Matt 201,500 31 5
Martin John 192,500 31 4
McEwen Preston 179,500 25 3
Scott Taylor 172,500 25 1
Radovic Rajko 168,500 31 1
Hinkle Mason 167,000 31 6
Reilly Austin 165,000 30 3
Murfin Randy 160,500 25 8
McCracken William 153,000 26 1
Lafata Mark 130,000 28 3
Messner Dustin 121,500 29 6
Lech Michael 117,500 27 3
Gardner Terry 114,500 32 3
Robinson Rex 113,500 28 7
Kade Vanessa 113,000 30 2
Crossley Quentin 111,500 28 5
Pfafer D Brett 109,500 28 6
Brouster Christopher 108,500 32 7
Ziemann Tristan 106,500 32 6
Sandoval Josh 103,000 31 2
Holmes Bob 102,000 29 7
Barnett Hunter 100,000 31 7
Dixon Patrick 98,500 31 8
Black Tim 95,500 29 2
Garg Shantanu 95,000 26 9
Griffith Teresa 93,500 25 4
Escareno Michael 91,500 26 6
Dorothy Patrick 91,500 29 3
Todd Adam 87,000 27 8
Carpenter Cash 85,500 26 4
McClellan Danny 85,500 32 9
Wilshire Beau 83,000 27 9
Riffel Matt 81,000 27 2
Lopez John 80,500 30 7
Traber James 80,000 32 8
Aurentz Cory 75,000 28 8
Morgan Jay 69,000 27 7
Lai Duy 66,500 29 9
Craddock Brian 64,500 26 5
Strohm Paul 64,500 27 6
Hart Grant 60,000 26 3
Bills Montana 58,500 30 6
Nelson Ian 57,500 29 1
Mora Savannah 51,500 31 9
Gilliam Chris 48,000 27 1
Flagg Paul 46,500 31 3
Karn Papa 45,500 29 5
Wu Tricia 45,000 25 5
Houston Thomas 44,500 26 7
Hayes Lawrence 42,500 29 8
Wiske Jason 42,500 32 4
Gatlin Joseph 42,000 28 1
Haiss Kurt 40,500 32 5
Baggett Kenny 39,500 28 2
Blackwell Matthew 38,500 32 1
Celaya Raylene 35,500 25 2
Zallar Brandon 30,500 26 2
Belk Stephen 27,000 27 5
Hernandez Jesus 25,500 30 1
Helton Mike 20,500 28 4
Main Sandra 18,900 28 9