The RG DeepStack had 225 entrants battle it out with 41 competitors moving on to Day 2's restart at 11AM. The average stack coming in is 82,350 chips. 24 players will make the money with a $7,450 + CardPlayer Cruise PKG for two up top!

By Chip Count:

1 Cornelius Julie Anna              212,000 11 1
2 Klatt Michael              162,000 12 2
3 VanKeirsbilck Mark              160,000 12 8
4 Brown Karen              140,500 12 1
5 Haiss Kurt              134,500 10 7
6 Fletcher Brandon              130,500 14 1
7 Allen Andre              124,500 12 6
8 Tucker Helen              118,500 10 4
9 Ellis Matt              117,000 13 4
10 Donaldson Marvin              115,000 14 3
11 Repicky Dave "Gator"              113,500 12 4
12 Jones Jesse              100,000 10 2
13 Cooley Suzanne                 98,500 11 4
14 Glueckert Norm                 92,500 11 9
15 Young Shane                 92,000 13 3
16 Jones Rizzloe                 89,500 13 5
17 Kerr Todd                 87,000 10 5
18 Blacksher Marcus                 85,000 12 5
19 Beaty Michael                 84,500 11 7
20 Blanken John                 83,500 13 8
21 Tang Mike                 80,000 14 2
22 Burke David                 72,500 10 6
23 Wu Tricia                 68,000 11 8
24 Garrett Joe                 67,000 13 2
25 Panelli Alex                 64,500 13 7
26 Roth Phillip                 61,500 11 5
27 Tipton Byron                 61,000 13 1
28 Lewis Kyle                 60,500 14 4
29 Vechnak William                 56,000 11 2
30 Helms Brad                 51,500 14 8
31 Karn Papa                 47,500 10 3
32 Strohm Paul                 41,500 12 9
33 Wu Li                 40,500 14 6
34 Tinsley Ken                 37,500 12 7
35 Dechant Daniel                 37,000 14 5
36 Spriggs Trevor                 36,000 11 3
37 Madeiros Manuel                 34,500 13 9
38 Clark Matthew                 32,500 12 3
39 Rieck Mike                 30,500 11 6
40 Wood David                 30,000 14 9
41 Behl Nikhil                 24,000 10 8

By Seat Draw:

6 Fletcher Brandon              130,500 14 1
21 Tang Mike                 80,000 14 2
10 Donaldson Marvin              115,000 14 3
28 Lewis Kyle                 60,500 14 4
35 Dechant Daniel                 37,000 14 5
33 Wu Li                 40,500 14 6
30 Helms Brad                 51,500 14 8
40 Wood David                 30,000 14 9
27 Tipton Byron                 61,000 13 1
24 Garrett Joe                 67,000 13 2
15 Young Shane                 92,000 13 3
9 Ellis Matt              117,000 13 4
16 Jones Rizzloe                 89,500 13 5
25 Panelli Alex                 64,500 13 7
20 Blanken John                 83,500 13 8
37 Madeiros Manuel                 34,500 13 9
4 Brown Karen              140,500 12 1
2 Klatt Michael              162,000 12 2
38 Clark Matthew                 32,500 12 3
11 Repicky Dave "Gator"              113,500 12 4
18 Blacksher Marcus                 85,000 12 5
7 Allen Andre              124,500 12 6
34 Tinsley Ken                 37,500 12 7
3 VanKeirsbilck Mark              160,000 12 8
32 Strohm Paul                 41,500 12 9
1 Cornelius Julie Anna              212,000 11 1
29 Vechnak William                 56,000 11 2
36 Spriggs Trevor                 36,000 11 3
13 Cooley Suzanne                 98,500 11 4
26 Roth Phillip                 61,500 11 5
39 Rieck Mike                 30,500 11 6
19 Beaty Michael                 84,500 11 7
23 Wu Tricia                 68,000 11 8
14 Glueckert Norm                 92,500 11 9
12 Jones Jesse              100,000 10 2
31 Karn Papa                 47,500 10 3
8 Tucker Helen              118,500 10 4
17 Kerr Todd                 87,000 10 5
22 Burke David                 72,500 10 6
5 Haiss Kurt              134,500 10 7
41 Behl Nikhil                 24,000 10 8