Results of RGPS Graton Casino Event 1 - $250 Seniors Event
Event #1 Winner - $250 RG Seniors
Photos by Joe Garrett

Event #1
Buy-In: $250
Number of Entrants: 275
Total Prizepool: $55,000
Total Spots Paid Out: 35

1 Kevin Goldman $12,100
2 Antonio Esta $8,670
3 John Tipton $5,575
4 Glenn Campbell $3,425
5 Anton Halteh $2,645
6 Emily Terry $2,190
7 James Petray $1,845
8 Lang Vo $1,540
9 Darrell Ticehurst $1,230
10 Michael Germani $1,230
11 Robert Pacleb $1,030
12 Jerry Lee $1,030
13 Stephen Olufs $885
14 Douglas Johnson $885
15 Lester Avela $885
16 Sian Hollands $745
17 Steven Williams $745
18 Columbia Duffy $745
19 Don Huffman $605
20 Donald Cohen $605
21 James Holand $605
22 John Laidley $480
23 David Moreno $480
24 Frank Gonzales $480
25 Douglas Lee $395
26 Charles Himes $395
27 Jaroslaw Markowiak $395
28 Hugh Gumbiner $395
29 Douglas Jeter $395
30 Christopher Street $395
31 Dennis Bird $395
32 Scot Raney $395
33 Daniel Steele $395
34 Carmille Waltz $395
35 John Rein $395