The Main Event finishes its voyage TONIGHT at 7:15PM aboard the Allure of the Seas! 48 players out of 209 entrants advance for tonight's festivities. $14,597 up top alongside this season's CHAMPIONSHIP RING. Find your Day 2 Seating Assignments Below:

By Chip Count:

Name Table  Seat Chip Count
Les Mildeberg 15 5 308,500
Greg Beckmann 10 5 217,500
Chip Jett 5 9 192,000
Martin Robbins 15 3 192,000
Blair Hinkle 9 3 136,000
Todd McFeeley 15 9 124,500
Joe Brown 10 7 117,500
Susan Ludovici 10 9 114,000
Malcolm Player 10 4 110,500
Sam Delio 10 6 108,500
Nicholas Burris 5 2 108,500
Brandon Ullrich 9 2 108,500
Steve Myrick 4 2 105,000
Mary Gail Seagris 5 3 103,000
Dieter Dechant 9 5 98,000
Grant Hinkle 10 1 95,000
Carolyn Wilson 4 1 94,500
Mary VanRossler 15 8 90,000
Chris Conrad 4 8 89,000
Joseph Freund 4 5 87,500
Michel van Wissen 20 3 87,000
Todd Funderburg 5 8 85,000
Melissa Bouchard 10 8 84,000
Elise Bowness 20 7 78,500
Josh McDougall 9 1 75,500
Brett Cloon 15 1 75,500
Dina McFeeley 9 8 74,500
Tyler Patterson 4 9 74,000
Ed Betz 15 4 72,500
Chad Holloway 20 5 68,000
Mary Fowler 9 7 66,000
Jim Sale 20 1 62,000
Anne Spinetti 20 8 59,000
Julie Shozi 20 6 57,500
Shawn Sparks 10 3 57,000
Mike See 9 4 56,500
Karina Jett 4 7 56,000
Lindsey Williams 5 5 51,000
Kevin Smith 5 4 46,000
Debbie Espe 15 7 45,000
Jay Pugleasa 4 3 34,000
Preston McEwen 4 4 29,500
Al Green 15 2 24,500
Erik Badgley 5 7 22,000
Willard H. Johnson 9 9 19,500
Doug Ectiert 5 1 16,000
David Hare 20 9 13,800
Nicky Nikham 15 6 4,500

By Table and Seat:

Name Table  Seat Chip Count
Jim Sale 20 1 62,000
Michel van Wissen 20 3 87,000
Chad Holloway 20 5 68,000
Julie Shozi 20 6 57,500
Elise Bowness 20 7 78,500
Anne Spinetti 20 8 59,000
David Hare 20 9 13,800
Brett Cloon 15 1 75,500
Al Green 15 2 24,500
Martin Robbins 15 3 192,000
Ed Betz 15 4 72,500
Les Mildeberg 15 5 308,500
Nicky Nikham 15 6 4,500
Debbie Espe 15 7 45,000
Mary VanRossler 15 8 90,000
Todd McFeeley 15 9 124,500
Grant Hinkle 10 1 95,000
Shawn Sparks 10 3 57,000
Malcolm Player 10 4 110,500
Greg Beckmann 10 5 217,500
Sam Delio 10 6 108,500
Joe Brown 10 7 117,500
Melissa Bouchard 10 8 84,000
Susan Ludovici 10 9 114,000
Josh McDougall 9 1 75,500
Brandon Ullrich 9 2 108,500
Blair Hinkle 9 3 136,000
Mike See 9 4 56,500
Dieter Dechant 9 5 98,000
Mary Fowler 9 7 66,000
Dina McFeeley 9 8 74,500
Willard H. Johnson 9 9 19,500
Doug Ectiert 5 1 16,000
Nicholas Burris 5 2 108,500
Mary Gail Seagris 5 3 103,000
Kevin Smith 5 4 46,000
Lindsey Williams 5 5 51,000
Erik Badgley 5 7 22,000
Todd Funderburg 5 8 85,000
Chip Jett 5 9 192,000
Carolyn Wilson 4 1 94,500
Steve Myrick 4 2 105,000
Jay Pugleasa 4 3 34,000
Preston McEwen 4 4 29,500
Joseph Freund 4 5 87,500
Karina Jett 4 7 56,000
Chris Conrad 4 8 89,000
Tyler Patterson 4 9 74,000

By Name:

Name Table  Seat Chip Count
Al Green 15 2 24,500
Anne Spinetti 20 8 59,000
Blair Hinkle 9 3 136,000
Brandon Ullrich 9 2 108,500
Brett Cloon 15 1 75,500
Carolyn Wilson 4 1 94,500
Chad Holloway 20 5 68,000
Chip Jett 5 9 192,000
Chris Conrad 4 8 89,000
David Hare 20 9 13,800
Debbie Espe 15 7 45,000
Dieter Dechant 9 5 98,000
Dina McFeeley 9 8 74,500
Doug Ectiert 5 1 16,000
Ed Betz 15 4 72,500
Elise Bowness 20 7 78,500
Erik Badgley 5 7 22,000
Grant Hinkle 10 1 95,000
Greg Beckmann 10 5 217,500
Jay Pugleasa 4 3 34,000
Jim Sale 20 1 62,000
Joe Brown 10 7 117,500
Joseph Freund 4 5 87,500
Josh McDougall 9 1 75,500
Julie Shozi 20 6 57,500
Karina Jett 4 7 56,000
Kevin Smith 5 4 46,000
Les Mildeberg 15 5 308,500
Lindsey Williams 5 5 51,000
Malcolm Player 10 4 110,500
Martin Robbins 15 3 192,000
Mary Fowler 9 7 66,000
Mary Gail Seagris 5 3 103,000
Mary VanRossler 15 8 90,000
Melissa Bouchard 10 8 84,000
Michel van Wissen 20 3 87,000
Mike See 9 4 56,500
Nicholas Burris 5 2 108,500
Nicky Nikham 15 6 4,500
Preston McEwen 4 4 29,500
Sam Delio 10 6 108,500
Shawn Sparks 10 3 57,000
Steve Myrick 4 2 105,000
Susan Ludovici 10 9 114,000
Todd Funderburg 5 8 85,000
Todd McFeeley 15 9 124,500
Tyler Patterson 4 9 74,000
Willard H. Johnson 9 9 19,500